Wednesday 13 June 2007

Hello? Can you hear me now?

So, with luck, you've been wondering where I am! I'll even bet you thought this blogging stuff was too much for me, that the fact that I can't for love not money get my pictures to load onto Blogger (something about my laptop it doesn't like) scared me off. You thought I'd gone and left this all behind!

Well, I don't scare that easily, I tell you, I have children, and soon, very soon I will have some lovely pics to show - I hope!

In the mean time, family matters came up unexpectedly, and a dash to the Eastern Townships of La Belle Provence was an order of the highest kind. You know the kind where your mom phones and says help is required and so you pack your over night bag, call the your version of the G-man home and tell your kids and your work you'll be back sometime, who knows when, and off you go at breakneck speed hoping its not as bad as it sounds.

And fortunately it wasn't too bad after all! Exhausting but not too bad. And we managed and got things sorted and things are still good even though we're home again. Phew! And the G-man and I even managed to steal a little quality time over two wonderful dinners at a delightful French bistro within walking distance of our home away from home. The venue was open air, the weather stellar, the food divine, and the wine - oh, the Italian wine!!! Italy - I must get to know you much much better! But next to no knitting was done, and the progress report is appalling! I know what you are thinking, all that car time, but really I was even too exhausted to do more than just sit there with knitting in my lap. It was all I could manage.

But you'll never guess where I made a little stop?? Remember my commiserating about the G-man not wanting to collect some Moda Dea Sassy Stripes sock yarn at Mary's Craft Shop in Finch,ON? Oh ya baby, we made the stop and I got sock yarn - enough for 4 pairs! Yippee! And while I was in there, I got to see the new shades coming this summer and of course, I ordered 3 pairs worth! Bliss, I tell you, bliss!

So what is on the needles as I still procrastinate about all those WIP's in the craft room?? Well I finished DD1's Taos Beret from the last blog, and another Taos Beret using Patons Canadiana? I think it is, for DD2 in white. And of course cast on traveling socks to knit with the newly purchased Sassy Stripes in Smoke. And I pulled out the Ruffles and Ridges Shawl WIP and it is beginning to call me again.

Now I haven't quite caught up from my unexpected trip, so this is it for today. And I'm too beat to argue with blogger and my laptop about the pictures, so this is all you get.

Knit on.......

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