Tuesday 26 June 2007

We apologize for this temporary service interruption…….

I give. I’ve tried to make it work, but to no end. I scoped out the Blogger tutorials, helpful hints, and tricks of the trade, FAQ’s, etc. etc. ad naeseum. And so I’ve called in the big guns – the G-man is on the case with a clear mandate - to make the pictures on this blog come alive! My faith in him knows no bounds! He should be very, very afraid!

I have things to show you folks! Socks and slippers, scarves and shrugs, toques and berets, and mittens, and even my WIP’s! There are knits to be photographed in the wild that will go un-recorded unless I get this resolved. Failure is not an option!

With any luck soon I will have some show and tell, and then I encourage you to re-visit some of the back blogs since I’ll edit these too and tag on the appropriate pictures. And I need to add a sidebar for FO’s, either that or create a Flicker account to capture the line-up – any thoughts on that? What is better, a side bar or link to Flicker or some other photo sharing option?

At least I’m in good company – the Yarn Harlot herself, has had far more serious blogging concerns than I did last weekend – here, check it out: http://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/ .

Please stay with us, and your regularly program will return shortly.

Knit on……….Kate

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