Wednesday 13 June 2007

Monday June 4, 2007

Monday June 4, 2007

Arty goodness!

Well that was quite a weekend, full of arty goodness from all art venues, music, craft and fine arts! I feel somehow more educated from my attending these events, as if some of the incredible talent around me has rubbed off!

Saturday was the second occasion I have had to see the National Capital Chorus, a 100 plus member Barbershop chorus. Now this may seem strange to you that I would like this style of music, being more a 60’s, 70’s and 80’s classic rock and roller myself, but the music is many of the tunes my Dad used sing (loosely stated!) and the G-man’s father is in Barbershop himself, and so I am comfortable with the melodies and indeed know may of the older ones very well. I enjoy hearing very fine acapella of the men’s voices, the catchy toe-tapping tunes, and the wonderful word play of many of the light lyrics. The arrangements are incredibly well done and the chorus is just stellar in their delivery. It was a grand evening at the NAC for sure!

Sunday was up and about early and off to the Art in the Park to be bombarded by the unbelievable talent that resides here in Ottawa. Arguably on the largest outdoor Art in the Park festivals in recent years, we enjoyed hours of visually superb art of every style and medium. I even had my first tofu burger from The Pantry, which was fantastic! There were even fibre artists selling their wares there so I got my fill of creative arts from all angles.

The day was capped off by a stop at The Clocktower Pub for well-deserved drink, where we had a great laugh watching DD2’s very concerned face as both DD’s received their raspberry daiquiri’s in a glasses almost the size of her head! Me, like the Yarn Harlot herself, am more basic in nature, and a large ice cold Keith’s was what the muggy afternoon temperature called for! We talked for almost an hour about being creative for a living, the challenges of being in business for yourself versus the personal satisfaction of doing what your heart needs to do. As I was well reminded last week in the blog comments, these stolen moments of conversation with my DD’s are without a doubt the most wonderful and important times a mom can have.

Finished and off the needles is the Wool-ease Seaspray Taos Beret for DD1, and it was a big hit for sure! DD2 has climbed on board and asked for a white one as well. And I finished another beret in the incredibly lovely Angora Mohair from Hidden Touch Farms. I had set this yarn aside until I realized the Taos Beret would be perfect in the stormy grey blue lavender colorway. Tonight I’ll cast on for the co-ordinating simple ruffle scarf to go with it. I am simply addicted to not only the simple knitting, but also the simplicity of the style of the beret and various ways one can wear it to suit your face shape and your personality. Each one of use wears it differently, which is great fun! Bring on the fall weather so we can wear them!

As well, my Mother-In-Law’s hat has been cast on for my traveling knitting this week in my crusade to knit what I have and reduce my WIP’s, and I’ll have some extra lunch hour time to work on it over the next few days as I am on course, and we have a full hour for lunch, something I’m not used to, so I’ll need to keep busy!

And I’ll be right next door to one of the main libraries so this is an opportunity to catch a few books on the shelf that don’t get to my smaller local branch. Have you all discovered the treasure trove of knitting and fibre arts books your local libraries are carrying these days? Unbelievable!!! I have been having a blast taking out books, and it has helped my to decide which ones I really want in my collection, and which ones I just want to peruse now and again. Now I just need to master reading and knitting at the same time and I’ll be in heaven!

Knit on………


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