Thursday 24 May 2007

two in a series of belated posts...

Monday April 16, 2007

Well, good intentions were not quite enough to get everything on my extensive list done this weekend. In particular the felting did not get done, but my laundry almost did! I did however remember to ask the G-man to for some foam board for blocking, and I did get my craftroom work table cleared away so I can actually use the blocking board when I get it upstairs.

And furthermore, the Tree Bark Mix Patons vest, which is trucking right along and almost ready for pre-sewing blocking, has me panicked that it will be too big after all! I swear I did a gauge swatch this time (so rarely happens!), and came really close to getting gauge (I actually thought it might be small!) so who knows what is happening – I’ll pin it together before sewing up and see if there is anything I would like to rip out (like the whole back!) before finishing up. It might be one of those cases where I need to combine 2 sets of sizing. Go figure! Story of my life, whether I buying or making!

No progress on the Ruffles and Ridges shawl, which due to size, has been relegated to sitting room knitting only, which means only when I can sit in peace and quiet in the late afternoons can I work on it.

On a bright note, I spent Saturday with DD1 and we did the coffee, home décor shops, and yarn store girly thing for the day. Lovely! So I was able to pick up the extra Briggs & Little Brown Heather that I needed to make my longer version of the Apothecary Shrug. It is such a quick knit, that I might actually get mine finished in time to wear it before this mornings’ most un-expected April snowstorm vanishes! 10cm dumped on us just before the morning rush hour!

Tonight is Ottawa Knitting Guild meeting night, which I’m looking forward to, always very inspiring! But we are in for a real extra treat special tonight as knitting guru Lucy Neatby is speaking tonight. MUST GO EARLY and get a good seat!

And I have been feeling the urge to sew some small tote bags. Must be spring, as I’m interested and completely drawn to all the spring-like fabrics cropping up in the magazines. So fresh and colourful, especially after our prolonged and dull winter. I am thinking of making some project totes for the Tuesday SnB crew. A great way to use up some of my fabrics, and get back into sewing mode.

That’s it for today – the snow has made me groggy and wishing for a nap – oh, how I wish!

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