Wednesday May 30, 2007
Summer must be ‘round the corner. It is getting harder and harder to get the girls all together in one spot for S’nB even just one evening each week everyone is so busy, busy, busy! And so I’m going to do the un-thinkable, and suggest scaling back Tuesdays Are For Knitting to every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
Lord help us, what is going on around here, I ask you? That every Tuesday isn’t for knitting just seems wrong! I can’t envision a Tuesday without knitting! I’ll have to find new TV shows to watch, and we’ve just entered the re-run season, aghhhh!! Who will I show my weekly progress to? Who will I tell about the latest yarny internet news to? There’ll be no one to take me to task for my ever-expanding WIP’s all over the house! But the reality is that girls are stressing over the fact they can’t get here in time (freakin’ hockey playoff traffic), or they haven’t got here for weeks (work, work and did we mention work), or life is driving them crazy and they’re not here (babies do need their mums now and again), and now the weather is getting better and isn’t nice to just come home and stay home and have a lovely drink on the patio/deck or what have you (with your honey who you’ve barely seen for the last two weeks), without the stress of having to get over here!
Ok – I get it, I really, really do! So I am going to suggest a partial hiatus, for the summer months anyway, in which we will have a wee bit more time to devote to family and home (after all, isn’t that what we wait for every summer?), and have fewer but more-special-‘cause-we-haven’t-seen-each-other-in-weeks Tuesday’s to get together and compare notes. And should they find themselves on a Tuesday at loose ends, wondering what to do, they can call me. They know where I’ll be. Knitting on the patio of course!
After all, Tuesdays Are Always For Knitting, at our house!
Knit on……….
A space where I can "kast off" about anything I want. Especially about knitting, sewing, family, crocheting, knitting, crafting, and my Honda750RS Shadow
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Very quiet ‘round here……….
Monday May 28, 2007
I get nervous when life isn’t screeching along full tilt, with me hanging on for dear life. It’s not natural for me to have time to do the things I like to do. Like knit. Or sew. Or shop. Or decorate. I feel more comfortable when I’m chronically complaining about the lack of time to do my favourite activities. I somehow feel better about things when I’m over-committed but still accomplishing the minimum of I-want-to-do-activities.
When I am faced with great expanses of un-planned time, like a free Sunday, all day, you would think I would be delirious with excitement, with unrealistic lists of things to do in unrealistic time frames. Or how about several days off in a row – it takes me two days just to get into the groove of being free to do whatever, whenever! Instead I waffle around, picking up one thing or another, never really finishing anything concrete, and in the end wasting the gifted time. It seems I am better off with short periods where I must commit to only one item or task that can be accomplished or have notable progress squeezed within that time slot. I have always been that way – significantly better under pressure. I frequently have to create ridiculously false and un-realistic deadlines for myself in order to spur myself in to frenzied activity.
My family doesn’t get it, wondering why I’m spinning like top and fussing over something that I am supposed to be enjoying. But for me it is part of the creative process. I need deadlines in order to push my brain into thinking through problems and difficult techniques that would otherwise languish in my WIP piles. I notice one of my DD’s is the just same way, though she has not yet reached the acceptance stage that this really is her finest hour and she’ll come shining through whatever enormous task is looming in front of her! We pressure cookers always do, and for the most part we are usually quite happy with the results. But it is a torturous process for us and for everyone around us, and requires great restraint on our part not to take everyone in our path down with us as we fall yet again into the rabbit hole!
Now on Saturday we had a stellar day, my DD’s and I, and made the most of our free time, which we of course scheduled so we would actually do it. The Great Glebe Garage Sale was on, and we hit the streets at decent morning hour, and walked and poked about until we dropped! I love garage sales – it’s like a sanctioned peep show into the lives of our fellow human beings and we couldn’t be a more interesting bunch! The girls and I didn’t buy too much although some of us did better than others, but it was all about the day being spent together, rummaging through the tables and lawns of stuff with the promise of the great find hold over us!! Early afternoon we collapsed with exhaustion and heat on the United Church front lawn under a large tree to eat our polish sausage and sauerkraut hotdogs! Sunburnt, throbbing feet, and in desperate need of a bathroom we eventually returned home – it was fabulous!
Anyway, I checked my calendar, and I’m feeling much better – it is filling up as it should this week, and shortly I should be back to normal, accompanied by many complaints about not enough time on my hands to get it all done!
Knit on……..
I get nervous when life isn’t screeching along full tilt, with me hanging on for dear life. It’s not natural for me to have time to do the things I like to do. Like knit. Or sew. Or shop. Or decorate. I feel more comfortable when I’m chronically complaining about the lack of time to do my favourite activities. I somehow feel better about things when I’m over-committed but still accomplishing the minimum of I-want-to-do-activities.
When I am faced with great expanses of un-planned time, like a free Sunday, all day, you would think I would be delirious with excitement, with unrealistic lists of things to do in unrealistic time frames. Or how about several days off in a row – it takes me two days just to get into the groove of being free to do whatever, whenever! Instead I waffle around, picking up one thing or another, never really finishing anything concrete, and in the end wasting the gifted time. It seems I am better off with short periods where I must commit to only one item or task that can be accomplished or have notable progress squeezed within that time slot. I have always been that way – significantly better under pressure. I frequently have to create ridiculously false and un-realistic deadlines for myself in order to spur myself in to frenzied activity.
My family doesn’t get it, wondering why I’m spinning like top and fussing over something that I am supposed to be enjoying. But for me it is part of the creative process. I need deadlines in order to push my brain into thinking through problems and difficult techniques that would otherwise languish in my WIP piles. I notice one of my DD’s is the just same way, though she has not yet reached the acceptance stage that this really is her finest hour and she’ll come shining through whatever enormous task is looming in front of her! We pressure cookers always do, and for the most part we are usually quite happy with the results. But it is a torturous process for us and for everyone around us, and requires great restraint on our part not to take everyone in our path down with us as we fall yet again into the rabbit hole!
Now on Saturday we had a stellar day, my DD’s and I, and made the most of our free time, which we of course scheduled so we would actually do it. The Great Glebe Garage Sale was on, and we hit the streets at decent morning hour, and walked and poked about until we dropped! I love garage sales – it’s like a sanctioned peep show into the lives of our fellow human beings and we couldn’t be a more interesting bunch! The girls and I didn’t buy too much although some of us did better than others, but it was all about the day being spent together, rummaging through the tables and lawns of stuff with the promise of the great find hold over us!! Early afternoon we collapsed with exhaustion and heat on the United Church front lawn under a large tree to eat our polish sausage and sauerkraut hotdogs! Sunburnt, throbbing feet, and in desperate need of a bathroom we eventually returned home – it was fabulous!
Anyway, I checked my calendar, and I’m feeling much better – it is filling up as it should this week, and shortly I should be back to normal, accompanied by many complaints about not enough time on my hands to get it all done!
Knit on……..
Friday, 25 May 2007
Wedded bliss and a contest!
Thursday May 24, 2007
Happy Anniversary to me and the G-man, celebrating 10 years of, ahem, wedded bliss!! You all know about wedded bliss, right??? All kidding aside, it has been an amazing ride of personal growth & self-development! I am blessed with a great husband and wouldn’t have missed the last 10 years for the world and I am really looking forward to the next 10! Love you lots, G-man!
Now let’s get down to today’s blog – it’s shameless self-promotion time, coupled with the chance to win a prize from Ali, at Skeins Her Way. You can find the details here:
I have Wovenflame to thank for the link to Ali’s contest. So here’s my list, complete with due dates (otherwise what is the point, right?):
Knit 'n Style Magazine Tunic Vest 80% finshed due May-07
Cotton Napkin Rings 12 (my design) 80% finished due May-07
True Blue hat and scarf 50% finished due June-07
Sockenwolle socks Burgandy stripe 75% finished due June-07
Mo Dea Pink Crush socks 40% finished due June-07
Ruffled Scarf Odessey Mixed Greens not started due June-07
TLC Green sleeveless tank not started due July-07
Sidar Beige sleeveless tank not started due July-07
Patons Tweed Royal Blue hat/scarf not started due July-07
Knit n' Style Magazine Nina Shawl not started due July-07
EasyCrochet Magazine Blue Shawl not started due August-07
No-knit woven black shawl not started due August-07
Alpaca Hat, Scarf & Mitts (pattern TBA) not started due August-07
Southwestern Countryside Ruana not started September-07
Crocheted Bar-code rug not started September-07
Royal Dragon 4 strand Vest not started September-07
Patons Tree Bark Mix vest 75% finished October-07
Vogue Blue Jeans vest 5% finished October-07
White Fingerless Gloves not started October-07
Briggs & Little Shrug Anniv.Blue Twist not started October-07
Angora Goat Mohair Winter Set not started October-07
Gold Mitts & Hat & Cowlneck 75% finished November-07
Sockenwolle socks - Burgandy solid not started November-07
Sockenwolle socks - Teal stripe not started November-07
Northeast Fibre Arts Center, VT Socks not started November-07
mitered squares on-going December-07
Crochet Earth Colors afghan(my design) 10% finished December-07
I’ll try to come back and edit this blog to attach any links to pictures or patterns I can find. Are you as concerned to see the scope of it in black and white, and in public, as I am? It’s a little ambitious - ya think? Actually, I have all my projects each year (I add new ones as I go along) listed on an excel spreadsheet along with due dates, start dates, and finish dates. I’ve been doing that for 2 years now. Seems a bit anal doesn’t it? But it keeps me motivated, keeps me on track, and let’s me know when I’m out of control (like obviously right now!). Although the number of WIP bags on my craft room floor should have been my first clue!
Since January, I’ve completed 16 of the 42 projects on the list, and have 10 WIP’s on the needles. That’s way too many on the needles, so at the moment I am scrambling to complete some of the easier ones to reduce the count. And they are coming due anyway, so must get to it! This contest will be a great motivator!
So let’s get busy! Knit on….. Kate
Happy Anniversary to me and the G-man, celebrating 10 years of, ahem, wedded bliss!! You all know about wedded bliss, right??? All kidding aside, it has been an amazing ride of personal growth & self-development! I am blessed with a great husband and wouldn’t have missed the last 10 years for the world and I am really looking forward to the next 10! Love you lots, G-man!
Now let’s get down to today’s blog – it’s shameless self-promotion time, coupled with the chance to win a prize from Ali, at Skeins Her Way. You can find the details here:
I have Wovenflame to thank for the link to Ali’s contest. So here’s my list, complete with due dates (otherwise what is the point, right?):
Knit 'n Style Magazine Tunic Vest 80% finshed due May-07
Cotton Napkin Rings 12 (my design) 80% finished due May-07
True Blue hat and scarf 50% finished due June-07
Sockenwolle socks Burgandy stripe 75% finished due June-07
Mo Dea Pink Crush socks 40% finished due June-07
Ruffled Scarf Odessey Mixed Greens not started due June-07
TLC Green sleeveless tank not started due July-07
Sidar Beige sleeveless tank not started due July-07
Patons Tweed Royal Blue hat/scarf not started due July-07
Knit n' Style Magazine Nina Shawl not started due July-07
EasyCrochet Magazine Blue Shawl not started due August-07
No-knit woven black shawl not started due August-07
Alpaca Hat, Scarf & Mitts (pattern TBA) not started due August-07
Southwestern Countryside Ruana not started September-07
Crocheted Bar-code rug not started September-07
Royal Dragon 4 strand Vest not started September-07
Patons Tree Bark Mix vest 75% finished October-07
Vogue Blue Jeans vest 5% finished October-07
White Fingerless Gloves not started October-07
Briggs & Little Shrug Anniv.Blue Twist not started October-07
Angora Goat Mohair Winter Set not started October-07
Gold Mitts & Hat & Cowlneck 75% finished November-07
Sockenwolle socks - Burgandy solid not started November-07
Sockenwolle socks - Teal stripe not started November-07
Northeast Fibre Arts Center, VT Socks not started November-07
mitered squares on-going December-07
Crochet Earth Colors afghan(my design) 10% finished December-07
I’ll try to come back and edit this blog to attach any links to pictures or patterns I can find. Are you as concerned to see the scope of it in black and white, and in public, as I am? It’s a little ambitious - ya think? Actually, I have all my projects each year (I add new ones as I go along) listed on an excel spreadsheet along with due dates, start dates, and finish dates. I’ve been doing that for 2 years now. Seems a bit anal doesn’t it? But it keeps me motivated, keeps me on track, and let’s me know when I’m out of control (like obviously right now!). Although the number of WIP bags on my craft room floor should have been my first clue!
Since January, I’ve completed 16 of the 42 projects on the list, and have 10 WIP’s on the needles. That’s way too many on the needles, so at the moment I am scrambling to complete some of the easier ones to reduce the count. And they are coming due anyway, so must get to it! This contest will be a great motivator!
So let’s get busy! Knit on….. Kate
Tuesday May 22, 2007
So much to do, so little time………..
Did all the Canadians out there have a rocking long weekend? The Ottawan’s tell me they had some great weather here at home. And next weekend our American friends get a chance to cut loose too! Really, I must learn to book an extra days vacation onto to these bonus weekends so I can get in some badly needed sitting-in-the-sun-quiet-knitting-time to finish some projects that have been languishing.
Still it was lovely to be out of the office for 3 days straight. We headed straight to Swanton, VT for a weekend with friends, and despite the ever lurking gloomy weather there, we had a great time! The excellent shopping in St. Albans, Burlington and surrounding area is hard to get over. And I found an amazing yarn store there, The Northeast Fiber Arts Center:
Check it out – I’ll wait.
See I told you – you have got to go see it for yourself if you are any kind of knitter, crochet-er, weaver or just a yarn junkie in general!
Jennifer has an amazing shop with so many high quality brand yarns, local, national, and international, I’ve never seen before (now that’s not hard to believe, as I am still a novice when it comes the enormous number of brands available out there!). I went with my not-quite-as-obsessed-with-yarn-as-I-am friends, who, after an hour or so of gamely watching me fondling, debating and dizzily turning in circles as one skein after another caught my eye, retired to veg/nap in the van while I finalized my purchase! And Jennifer was kind enough to show me her indigo dying set-up - very high-tech mind you - which involves a large kitchen pot, immersion in the hot dye bath, and swinging around the dyed skein in the backyard to extricate the excess water like you are winding up for wicked under-hand pitch! (Sorry no pictures – I forgot my camera…again..) Fascinating to watch the vivid blue color appear immediately when exposed to the air, and we had a very interesting discussion about her failed attempts to stall the conversion process to retain the beautiful acidic greens that appear in the bath before air hits the dye. The end yarns are beautiful and definitely one of a kind, no two lots the same!
I had a chuckle when I looked high on a shelf top, and saw the same Taos beret pattern I held in my hand, already made up and beautifully displayed. I checked out the colorways of the Taos yarns, but in the end I adventurously choose a beautiful yarn I had not worked with before – Odyssey by Reynolds of JCA, Inc. in Mixed Green 502. I love the tweedy teal blue greens mixed with the majority mossy acidic greens, and the results are lovely. I knitted it up on my way home from Vermont in the car, and it is soft and pliable, and without a doubt some of the loveliest 100% Merino I have encountered to date. The substitution took a little more than the yarn quantity called for in the Taos beret pattern (even with no pompom), and I used about 1 and 1/3rd balls of the Odyssey. I bought 3 balls and am hoping to make a short ruffle scarf with what ‘s left to go with the beret. I think I may need one or two more balls though to make a good ruffle and am tempted to just contact Jennifer and ask her to send me some P.D.Q.!!
I got very little other knitting done, although I had packed enough UFO’s to keep me busy for days. I had wanted to finish some little basic socks started a month ago, but forgot the pattern at home and since I’m lousy at turning heels (need way more practice!) without instructions, I couldn’t go any further. And movie watching in the darkened cottage trailer home (it’s a feakin’ huge house on wheels, not a trailer!) was not conducive to knitting on any of my other UFO’s.
While I’m at it, I must give plug for our dinner location and our waiter Brian, on Saturday night – Mimmo’s in St. Albans We had a really great meal (and great prices too), with great service, and a vibrant lively atmosphere with lots of laughing and great conversation. It is not an easy thing to accomplish for me, eating in an Italian restaurant (think cheese and cream sauces on or in everything!), given that I am completely dairy intolerant. And no seafood allowed either. I am challenging! But Brian served me the best pasta and fresh tomato sauce (made by him at 5:00am that morning, so he said!) that I have eaten in a long, long, long time and I stuffed my self to the gills with Italian goodness! Sometimes simple is the best –
thanks Mimmo’s! We’ll be back!
So now I’ve started my Mo Dea Sassy Stripes socks in (variegated pink) Crush, and they are knitting up super fast on the 3.5mm needles. The yarn is more sport sock weight (is there such a thing?) and very cushy in 2x2 ribbing. Looks like I’ll get to that heel turning practice very quickly after all! I really want to get to the point where heels and toes require only momentary concentration and for the rest it’s mindless knitting ‘round and ‘round.
Now – off to get ready for Tuesdays are for S’nB………..
So much to do, so little time………..
Did all the Canadians out there have a rocking long weekend? The Ottawan’s tell me they had some great weather here at home. And next weekend our American friends get a chance to cut loose too! Really, I must learn to book an extra days vacation onto to these bonus weekends so I can get in some badly needed sitting-in-the-sun-quiet-knitting-time to finish some projects that have been languishing.
Still it was lovely to be out of the office for 3 days straight. We headed straight to Swanton, VT for a weekend with friends, and despite the ever lurking gloomy weather there, we had a great time! The excellent shopping in St. Albans, Burlington and surrounding area is hard to get over. And I found an amazing yarn store there, The Northeast Fiber Arts Center:
Check it out – I’ll wait.
See I told you – you have got to go see it for yourself if you are any kind of knitter, crochet-er, weaver or just a yarn junkie in general!
Jennifer has an amazing shop with so many high quality brand yarns, local, national, and international, I’ve never seen before (now that’s not hard to believe, as I am still a novice when it comes the enormous number of brands available out there!). I went with my not-quite-as-obsessed-with-yarn-as-I-am friends, who, after an hour or so of gamely watching me fondling, debating and dizzily turning in circles as one skein after another caught my eye, retired to veg/nap in the van while I finalized my purchase! And Jennifer was kind enough to show me her indigo dying set-up - very high-tech mind you - which involves a large kitchen pot, immersion in the hot dye bath, and swinging around the dyed skein in the backyard to extricate the excess water like you are winding up for wicked under-hand pitch! (Sorry no pictures – I forgot my camera…again..) Fascinating to watch the vivid blue color appear immediately when exposed to the air, and we had a very interesting discussion about her failed attempts to stall the conversion process to retain the beautiful acidic greens that appear in the bath before air hits the dye. The end yarns are beautiful and definitely one of a kind, no two lots the same!
I had a chuckle when I looked high on a shelf top, and saw the same Taos beret pattern I held in my hand, already made up and beautifully displayed. I checked out the colorways of the Taos yarns, but in the end I adventurously choose a beautiful yarn I had not worked with before – Odyssey by Reynolds of JCA, Inc. in Mixed Green 502. I love the tweedy teal blue greens mixed with the majority mossy acidic greens, and the results are lovely. I knitted it up on my way home from Vermont in the car, and it is soft and pliable, and without a doubt some of the loveliest 100% Merino I have encountered to date. The substitution took a little more than the yarn quantity called for in the Taos beret pattern (even with no pompom), and I used about 1 and 1/3rd balls of the Odyssey. I bought 3 balls and am hoping to make a short ruffle scarf with what ‘s left to go with the beret. I think I may need one or two more balls though to make a good ruffle and am tempted to just contact Jennifer and ask her to send me some P.D.Q.!!
I got very little other knitting done, although I had packed enough UFO’s to keep me busy for days. I had wanted to finish some little basic socks started a month ago, but forgot the pattern at home and since I’m lousy at turning heels (need way more practice!) without instructions, I couldn’t go any further. And movie watching in the darkened cottage trailer home (it’s a feakin’ huge house on wheels, not a trailer!) was not conducive to knitting on any of my other UFO’s.
While I’m at it, I must give plug for our dinner location and our waiter Brian, on Saturday night – Mimmo’s in St. Albans
thanks Mimmo’s! We’ll be back!
So now I’ve started my Mo Dea Sassy Stripes socks in (variegated pink) Crush, and they are knitting up super fast on the 3.5mm needles. The yarn is more sport sock weight (is there such a thing?) and very cushy in 2x2 ribbing. Looks like I’ll get to that heel turning practice very quickly after all! I really want to get to the point where heels and toes require only momentary concentration and for the rest it’s mindless knitting ‘round and ‘round.
Now – off to get ready for Tuesdays are for S’nB………..
Tuesdays are for......
Tuesday May 15, 2007
Tuesdays evenings are for S’n B! Yippee! Sanctioned time to spend knitting and chatting up a storm with my favourite clucks! I always look forward to Tuesdays – you never know who will show up and what we’ll talk about, but its always a guaranteed laugh!
Last night was OKG, and we learned a great deal about embellishments, in particular I-cord and the making of a little rolled flower. The flowers were the coolest pattern (so is I-cord, but I mastered that some time ago, and the immediate novelty is gone!). The flowers, pure genius, and the more I looked at them the more I saw them as little felted flowers. For my very sturdy but very boring felted book bag. A row of little felted flowers across the lower edge of the flap. Or a few pinned randomly across the flap.
And we all agreed that this little rolled flower would be charming as is on a children’s jumper or tunic, either edging the dress or around the tab buttons. I see some experimentation about to happen! And dozens of little felted flowers popping up everywhere just in time for spring! And just in time too, as I was in a seriously creative slump, and about to die of boredom.
Fortunately in an effort to stem to tide of boringness, I swooped in on my local library and was able to scoop up some great books to ignite the imagination, immediately resulting in a dozen natural cotton 2” x 6” garter stitch rectangles destined to become napkin rings when the mis-matched natural colored buttons are added.
I do love making quick little projects on a whim – they keep me motivated for the larger items without taking too much time away from them, and are cheap enough for me to have my fun and not break the bank. My only rule is that they must have functionality. No point in making something if it is not useful or will never be used. Nothing to say however, it can’t be different, quirky, and unusual. I love natural elements and enjoy twine, string, tree branches, and grass and am always looking to duplicate or incorporate these elements into my home décor. And I love old things, especially buttons, so the natural cotton and collection of odd buttons perfectly suits my mood these days.
And I have used my sewing machine, again, this week. The Bernina and I are becoming fast friends after such a prolonged and painful introduction – I made a basic cloth book bag, again from scrap material at hand. It might be just a bit too plain Jane, so I am considering some simple appliqué embellishment. I needed to keep my library books separate from my OKG books and my own book collection. Hard to do when they’re all lying about, as I tend to read several at once. So a few book bags should solve the problem. I need one in my car too. This is also to support our family effort to be much less reliant on plastic bags. We have purchased re-useable grocery totes for daily shopping, and I got a very positive reception from Wal-mart and Chapters the other day while shopping with my own tote, and so will be making a point of trying to have totes in the cars at all times. I am hoping that Ontario goes the way of California and bans plastic bags completely. Yes, it will be an adjustment but looking around at the thousands of bags scattered everywhere, on the roads, parks and green spaces after the winter, a ban would be well worth it.
I seem to be on use it up or get rid of it kick. It must be spring, and I am tired of the clutter and endless UFO’s lying around. I need to clear it out or use it up, and I can’t bear to get rid of my fabrics and fibre, so getting creative and using them up, is the only way to go!
Tuesdays evenings are for S’n B! Yippee! Sanctioned time to spend knitting and chatting up a storm with my favourite clucks! I always look forward to Tuesdays – you never know who will show up and what we’ll talk about, but its always a guaranteed laugh!
Last night was OKG, and we learned a great deal about embellishments, in particular I-cord and the making of a little rolled flower. The flowers were the coolest pattern (so is I-cord, but I mastered that some time ago, and the immediate novelty is gone!). The flowers, pure genius, and the more I looked at them the more I saw them as little felted flowers. For my very sturdy but very boring felted book bag. A row of little felted flowers across the lower edge of the flap. Or a few pinned randomly across the flap.
And we all agreed that this little rolled flower would be charming as is on a children’s jumper or tunic, either edging the dress or around the tab buttons. I see some experimentation about to happen! And dozens of little felted flowers popping up everywhere just in time for spring! And just in time too, as I was in a seriously creative slump, and about to die of boredom.
Fortunately in an effort to stem to tide of boringness, I swooped in on my local library and was able to scoop up some great books to ignite the imagination, immediately resulting in a dozen natural cotton 2” x 6” garter stitch rectangles destined to become napkin rings when the mis-matched natural colored buttons are added.
I do love making quick little projects on a whim – they keep me motivated for the larger items without taking too much time away from them, and are cheap enough for me to have my fun and not break the bank. My only rule is that they must have functionality. No point in making something if it is not useful or will never be used. Nothing to say however, it can’t be different, quirky, and unusual. I love natural elements and enjoy twine, string, tree branches, and grass and am always looking to duplicate or incorporate these elements into my home décor. And I love old things, especially buttons, so the natural cotton and collection of odd buttons perfectly suits my mood these days.
And I have used my sewing machine, again, this week. The Bernina and I are becoming fast friends after such a prolonged and painful introduction – I made a basic cloth book bag, again from scrap material at hand. It might be just a bit too plain Jane, so I am considering some simple appliqué embellishment. I needed to keep my library books separate from my OKG books and my own book collection. Hard to do when they’re all lying about, as I tend to read several at once. So a few book bags should solve the problem. I need one in my car too. This is also to support our family effort to be much less reliant on plastic bags. We have purchased re-useable grocery totes for daily shopping, and I got a very positive reception from Wal-mart and Chapters the other day while shopping with my own tote, and so will be making a point of trying to have totes in the cars at all times. I am hoping that Ontario goes the way of California and bans plastic bags completely. Yes, it will be an adjustment but looking around at the thousands of bags scattered everywhere, on the roads, parks and green spaces after the winter, a ban would be well worth it.
I seem to be on use it up or get rid of it kick. It must be spring, and I am tired of the clutter and endless UFO’s lying around. I need to clear it out or use it up, and I can’t bear to get rid of my fabrics and fibre, so getting creative and using them up, is the only way to go!
Catching up.......
Tuesday May 8, 2007
Now where was I?
Oh yes, madly sewing curtain panels for the trade show! I lost a week plus some on that one, and added 5 throw pillows in for good measure! Still, it was all worth it. The tradeshow black and white themed display was awesome, and when I dropped in for a look-see myself, foot traffic was light but steady and money was being exchanged, and the proprietress herself was very happy with the results.
The sewing gave me a badly needed sense of completion and satisfaction, as my knitting world is very off kilter lately. I’ve somehow managed to have 8 projects on the needles at this very moment – eight! My limit is supposed to be four! How did this happen? The problem is that I am working at a slightly new level for me, working on actual garments, mostly vests and sleeveless tunics (I know, easy breezy for you all, but we all have to start somewhere!). As a result, nearing the completion of each garment, I have hit the finicky parts, necklines, armholes, decreases with the dreaded instructions “and at the same time”! AHHHHHH!!! I am a ‘one instruction at a time’ person, and not having much luck moving up to the “and at the same time” knitters level. It a tough transition since it is all about tracking the counting. Tedious stuff, and it requires me to focus in total peace and quiet. So the next few weeks I’ll be attempting to create some pockets of ‘me and only me’ time, so I can get back on track and get my project count under control!
To further add to my sense of Get. It. Done. urgency, despite my best intentions, I lost all self-control (but not quite my self respect!) at the Alpaca Llama farm shop this past weekend, and added two new projects to my ever expanding list! The day was bright and sunny, perfect for hanging out at the farm, the OKG members represented, and Sheryl and Richard gave us a great tour their wonderful farm . With Llamas and Alpacas with names like J-Lo and Phat Lily, how could we not have a great time?
They have even started milling their own fibre, and the machinery was as fascinating to me as the animals themselves! The milling machinery is quite old, something they choose on purpose, as Richard is very mechanical, and they wanted to avoid the dreaded “ the computer broke down - call the technician” scenario! The big machines were very cool, but the one I liked best is something I have seen before, and coveted just because it is efficient, small and truly representative of home based textile industry in its infancy, but a major influence in the industrializing the sock industry: a hand crank sock machine! Richard and I had a long talk about these dear little machines, he enjoys them even more than I do! I so dearly want one, why is hard to say, and at nearly $1000.00 for refurbished one (they are no longer made), purchasing one is completely out of the question. Especially since yesterday I came home to find the G-man distraught over a wooden window that had un-expectedly rotted away, and he’s going to have to spend money! Still, a girl can dream can’t she? And you better believe I’ll be watching the estate sales for one, working or not, now that I know where I can have it refurbished!
At the end of the tour, Sheryl opened her decadent yarn shop to us, despite her Winter Hours Only policy, and we proceeded to all but clean her out! She’ll have some serious milling to do this summer to fill those shelves again! Girl 2, who came with me, reminded me of a long forgotten promise to make her a winter set in ever so soft Alpaca, and so 4 skeins of premium Canadian Alpaca were duly purchased. And how could I not bring home the Mostly Mohair spun from Sheryl’s Angora goats (now in new homes to make way for the milling operations). The mohair called me to the back corner of the shop, its stormy soft grey, with whispers of charcoal, blue and green, like the sky just before a real beauty of a storm. I think it will be enough for a winter set for myself. And how could I leave behind the charming round pewter shawl pin I spotted high up on the display that I have been hunting for more than a year! So with lightened wallets, but totally sated by yarn, we finally left for a late long leisurely lunch at the Red Dot Café.
It was a perfectly farm fresh yarny day!
Now where was I?
Oh yes, madly sewing curtain panels for the trade show! I lost a week plus some on that one, and added 5 throw pillows in for good measure! Still, it was all worth it. The tradeshow black and white themed display was awesome, and when I dropped in for a look-see myself, foot traffic was light but steady and money was being exchanged, and the proprietress herself was very happy with the results.
The sewing gave me a badly needed sense of completion and satisfaction, as my knitting world is very off kilter lately. I’ve somehow managed to have 8 projects on the needles at this very moment – eight! My limit is supposed to be four! How did this happen? The problem is that I am working at a slightly new level for me, working on actual garments, mostly vests and sleeveless tunics (I know, easy breezy for you all, but we all have to start somewhere!). As a result, nearing the completion of each garment, I have hit the finicky parts, necklines, armholes, decreases with the dreaded instructions “and at the same time”! AHHHHHH!!! I am a ‘one instruction at a time’ person, and not having much luck moving up to the “and at the same time” knitters level. It a tough transition since it is all about tracking the counting. Tedious stuff, and it requires me to focus in total peace and quiet. So the next few weeks I’ll be attempting to create some pockets of ‘me and only me’ time, so I can get back on track and get my project count under control!
To further add to my sense of Get. It. Done. urgency, despite my best intentions, I lost all self-control (but not quite my self respect!) at the Alpaca Llama farm shop this past weekend, and added two new projects to my ever expanding list! The day was bright and sunny, perfect for hanging out at the farm, the OKG members represented, and Sheryl and Richard gave us a great tour their wonderful farm . With Llamas and Alpacas with names like J-Lo and Phat Lily, how could we not have a great time?
They have even started milling their own fibre, and the machinery was as fascinating to me as the animals themselves! The milling machinery is quite old, something they choose on purpose, as Richard is very mechanical, and they wanted to avoid the dreaded “ the computer broke down - call the technician” scenario! The big machines were very cool, but the one I liked best is something I have seen before, and coveted just because it is efficient, small and truly representative of home based textile industry in its infancy, but a major influence in the industrializing the sock industry: a hand crank sock machine! Richard and I had a long talk about these dear little machines, he enjoys them even more than I do! I so dearly want one, why is hard to say, and at nearly $1000.00 for refurbished one (they are no longer made), purchasing one is completely out of the question. Especially since yesterday I came home to find the G-man distraught over a wooden window that had un-expectedly rotted away, and he’s going to have to spend money! Still, a girl can dream can’t she? And you better believe I’ll be watching the estate sales for one, working or not, now that I know where I can have it refurbished!
At the end of the tour, Sheryl opened her decadent yarn shop to us, despite her Winter Hours Only policy, and we proceeded to all but clean her out! She’ll have some serious milling to do this summer to fill those shelves again! Girl 2, who came with me, reminded me of a long forgotten promise to make her a winter set in ever so soft Alpaca, and so 4 skeins of premium Canadian Alpaca were duly purchased. And how could I not bring home the Mostly Mohair spun from Sheryl’s Angora goats (now in new homes to make way for the milling operations). The mohair called me to the back corner of the shop, its stormy soft grey, with whispers of charcoal, blue and green, like the sky just before a real beauty of a storm. I think it will be enough for a winter set for myself. And how could I leave behind the charming round pewter shawl pin I spotted high up on the display that I have been hunting for more than a year! So with lightened wallets, but totally sated by yarn, we finally left for a late long leisurely lunch at the Red Dot Café.
It was a perfectly farm fresh yarny day!
Thursday, 24 May 2007
four in a series of belated blogs...
Monday April 23, 2007
What a stellar weekend! The weather was perfect, all our dinners were outside with friends and family, the girls and I shopped ‘til we dropped, lounged over iced coffees at the outdoor cafe, the boys went golfing, the patio got set up, and of course, my favourite, outdoor knitting! Heaven – lets hope we get a whole lot more of this for the summer.
Despite good intentions, there was not enough knitting this weekend to suit me. But the Galactica shawl (so named because the easy Estelle pattern was the only thing I could knit on while watching Battlestar Galactica) is done! I decided to finish it up, as a new season of Galactica was too far off to have this sitting around all summer when just two days of intermittent knitting would have it complete. It is lovely and soft and light, and it even used up some rescued mohair blend that I had lying around in my stahs, but at only 60” it is a little short. If I come across some more mohair blend to rescue I may add some borders to the ends to give a bit more length. In the mean time it has freed up my needles for something new!
God love me, but I couldn’t get my head to work right this weekend, so anything simple was the only answer, but everything simple was off the needles, and what was on the needles had reached the stage where I needed quiet time to work through the next section without mistakes and the inevitable ripping back.
So I cast on a new project, which seems fairly straightforward, a Knit ‘n Style Magazines tunic vest, a lovely simple sleeveless tunic vest. Just what I needed (not – well not a another project on the go that’s for sure!) for my state of mind. Of course I didn’t have the required yarn, but I seemed to have made a successful substitution pulled from my stash, Bernat Denim Style in off-white, a wonderful birthday present last year from one of the Tuesday S’nB girls! I am excited to finally have something I think is just right for this lovely yarn that has been languishing in my stash for too long.
So there we are, one great weekend, one finished shawl, one started tunic! Beauty!
Knit on.Kate
What a stellar weekend! The weather was perfect, all our dinners were outside with friends and family, the girls and I shopped ‘til we dropped, lounged over iced coffees at the outdoor cafe, the boys went golfing, the patio got set up, and of course, my favourite, outdoor knitting! Heaven – lets hope we get a whole lot more of this for the summer.
Despite good intentions, there was not enough knitting this weekend to suit me. But the Galactica shawl (so named because the easy Estelle pattern was the only thing I could knit on while watching Battlestar Galactica) is done! I decided to finish it up, as a new season of Galactica was too far off to have this sitting around all summer when just two days of intermittent knitting would have it complete. It is lovely and soft and light, and it even used up some rescued mohair blend that I had lying around in my stahs, but at only 60” it is a little short. If I come across some more mohair blend to rescue I may add some borders to the ends to give a bit more length. In the mean time it has freed up my needles for something new!
God love me, but I couldn’t get my head to work right this weekend, so anything simple was the only answer, but everything simple was off the needles, and what was on the needles had reached the stage where I needed quiet time to work through the next section without mistakes and the inevitable ripping back.
So I cast on a new project, which seems fairly straightforward, a Knit ‘n Style Magazines tunic vest, a lovely simple sleeveless tunic vest. Just what I needed (not – well not a another project on the go that’s for sure!) for my state of mind. Of course I didn’t have the required yarn, but I seemed to have made a successful substitution pulled from my stash, Bernat Denim Style in off-white, a wonderful birthday present last year from one of the Tuesday S’nB girls! I am excited to finally have something I think is just right for this lovely yarn that has been languishing in my stash for too long.
So there we are, one great weekend, one finished shawl, one started tunic! Beauty!
Knit on.Kate
three in a series of belated blogs...
Wednesday April 18, 2007
Wednesday – you know what they say about Wednesday’s! But this is a family friendly site so keep it to yourself lest you have to explain that one to the little ones!
No Tuesday SnB this week – the usual suspects were out and about on priority errands, but since Tuesdays are for knitting, I hunkered down and all but finished my shrug – I love, love, love the colorway of the Briggs & Little Heather Brown 100% Merino 2 ply that I am using. In the light it has touches of all kinds of colors mixed into the brown, soft purples, teal, reds, but all slightly tinted by a wonderful soft grassy brown – a great representation I would think (not having seen for myself) of the heathered moors of Scotland and England. It is very snugly and despite the improving weather, I am wanting just one more chilly day to give it a test run!
Ottawa Knitting Guild meeting on Monday evening was great fun – the amazing Lucy Neatby was there to educate and inspire, and the tips and tricks (like how to rescue those UFO’s gone really bad) are too numerous to re-count here. If you ever get the chance to hear her speak, or take a class, definitely do! I am regretting not having taken time off to take one of her workshops, but I’m going to start saving for her DVD’s. She certainly thinks on another plane far above the average knitter, and it is very inspiring to say the least!
As my shrug is all but finished and too big to stuff in my work tote bag, I have brought with me and already cast-on my Patons SWS Vest to work on. The vest can be found in the Patons SWS The Look booklet. This is my first time to use SWS (Soy Wool Stripes) and on my regular old circ’s it is very slippery! I think I will pop in and grab some bamboo circ’s on my way home and see if it will stick to the bamboo needles any better (wanna a bet the G-man isn’t going to believe this really is a good reason to get new needles!). When yarn is too slippery I end up clutching at it and my hands tire too quickly to make the knitting enjoyable. Still the SWS is lovely to feel sliding through your hands, and I think this will be a quick and enjoyable knit. It is all done in pieces so I can truck it around until the very end.
All for now – must learn how to get pictures onto this thing with my new camera……..
Wednesday – you know what they say about Wednesday’s! But this is a family friendly site so keep it to yourself lest you have to explain that one to the little ones!
No Tuesday SnB this week – the usual suspects were out and about on priority errands, but since Tuesdays are for knitting, I hunkered down and all but finished my shrug – I love, love, love the colorway of the Briggs & Little Heather Brown 100% Merino 2 ply that I am using. In the light it has touches of all kinds of colors mixed into the brown, soft purples, teal, reds, but all slightly tinted by a wonderful soft grassy brown – a great representation I would think (not having seen for myself) of the heathered moors of Scotland and England. It is very snugly and despite the improving weather, I am wanting just one more chilly day to give it a test run!
Ottawa Knitting Guild meeting on Monday evening was great fun – the amazing Lucy Neatby was there to educate and inspire, and the tips and tricks (like how to rescue those UFO’s gone really bad) are too numerous to re-count here. If you ever get the chance to hear her speak, or take a class, definitely do! I am regretting not having taken time off to take one of her workshops, but I’m going to start saving for her DVD’s. She certainly thinks on another plane far above the average knitter, and it is very inspiring to say the least!
As my shrug is all but finished and too big to stuff in my work tote bag, I have brought with me and already cast-on my Patons SWS Vest to work on. The vest can be found in the Patons SWS The Look booklet. This is my first time to use SWS (Soy Wool Stripes) and on my regular old circ’s it is very slippery! I think I will pop in and grab some bamboo circ’s on my way home and see if it will stick to the bamboo needles any better (wanna a bet the G-man isn’t going to believe this really is a good reason to get new needles!). When yarn is too slippery I end up clutching at it and my hands tire too quickly to make the knitting enjoyable. Still the SWS is lovely to feel sliding through your hands, and I think this will be a quick and enjoyable knit. It is all done in pieces so I can truck it around until the very end.
All for now – must learn how to get pictures onto this thing with my new camera……..
two in a series of belated posts...
Monday April 16, 2007
Well, good intentions were not quite enough to get everything on my extensive list done this weekend. In particular the felting did not get done, but my laundry almost did! I did however remember to ask the G-man to for some foam board for blocking, and I did get my craftroom work table cleared away so I can actually use the blocking board when I get it upstairs.
And furthermore, the Tree Bark Mix Patons vest, which is trucking right along and almost ready for pre-sewing blocking, has me panicked that it will be too big after all! I swear I did a gauge swatch this time (so rarely happens!), and came really close to getting gauge (I actually thought it might be small!) so who knows what is happening – I’ll pin it together before sewing up and see if there is anything I would like to rip out (like the whole back!) before finishing up. It might be one of those cases where I need to combine 2 sets of sizing. Go figure! Story of my life, whether I buying or making!
No progress on the Ruffles and Ridges shawl, which due to size, has been relegated to sitting room knitting only, which means only when I can sit in peace and quiet in the late afternoons can I work on it.
On a bright note, I spent Saturday with DD1 and we did the coffee, home décor shops, and yarn store girly thing for the day. Lovely! So I was able to pick up the extra Briggs & Little Brown Heather that I needed to make my longer version of the Apothecary Shrug. It is such a quick knit, that I might actually get mine finished in time to wear it before this mornings’ most un-expected April snowstorm vanishes! 10cm dumped on us just before the morning rush hour!
Tonight is Ottawa Knitting Guild meeting night, which I’m looking forward to, always very inspiring! But we are in for a real extra treat special tonight as knitting guru Lucy Neatby is speaking tonight. MUST GO EARLY and get a good seat!
And I have been feeling the urge to sew some small tote bags. Must be spring, as I’m interested and completely drawn to all the spring-like fabrics cropping up in the magazines. So fresh and colourful, especially after our prolonged and dull winter. I am thinking of making some project totes for the Tuesday SnB crew. A great way to use up some of my fabrics, and get back into sewing mode.
That’s it for today – the snow has made me groggy and wishing for a nap – oh, how I wish!
Well, good intentions were not quite enough to get everything on my extensive list done this weekend. In particular the felting did not get done, but my laundry almost did! I did however remember to ask the G-man to for some foam board for blocking, and I did get my craftroom work table cleared away so I can actually use the blocking board when I get it upstairs.
And furthermore, the Tree Bark Mix Patons vest, which is trucking right along and almost ready for pre-sewing blocking, has me panicked that it will be too big after all! I swear I did a gauge swatch this time (so rarely happens!), and came really close to getting gauge (I actually thought it might be small!) so who knows what is happening – I’ll pin it together before sewing up and see if there is anything I would like to rip out (like the whole back!) before finishing up. It might be one of those cases where I need to combine 2 sets of sizing. Go figure! Story of my life, whether I buying or making!
No progress on the Ruffles and Ridges shawl, which due to size, has been relegated to sitting room knitting only, which means only when I can sit in peace and quiet in the late afternoons can I work on it.
On a bright note, I spent Saturday with DD1 and we did the coffee, home décor shops, and yarn store girly thing for the day. Lovely! So I was able to pick up the extra Briggs & Little Brown Heather that I needed to make my longer version of the Apothecary Shrug. It is such a quick knit, that I might actually get mine finished in time to wear it before this mornings’ most un-expected April snowstorm vanishes! 10cm dumped on us just before the morning rush hour!
Tonight is Ottawa Knitting Guild meeting night, which I’m looking forward to, always very inspiring! But we are in for a real extra treat special tonight as knitting guru Lucy Neatby is speaking tonight. MUST GO EARLY and get a good seat!
And I have been feeling the urge to sew some small tote bags. Must be spring, as I’m interested and completely drawn to all the spring-like fabrics cropping up in the magazines. So fresh and colourful, especially after our prolonged and dull winter. I am thinking of making some project totes for the Tuesday SnB crew. A great way to use up some of my fabrics, and get back into sewing mode.
That’s it for today – the snow has made me groggy and wishing for a nap – oh, how I wish!
one in a series of belated posts....
Thursday April 12, 2007
Been a while since I was here. I know, and I’m sorry. It’s my so-called life getting in the way of the fun stuff - so lets get caught up! There has been some serious knitting happening here, in between this and that, and lo and behold, some FO’s have appeared!
First pair of basic ribbed socks in teal are done done done! And surprisingly comfortable, if not a little warm for spring weather (I never seem to time my projects very well in the temperature vs. wear-ability category) – but they will be gorgeous and toasty next winter in my steel-toed work boots. And a second pair in a burgundy variegated stripe is on the needles and going strong.
The Big Blue Sidar Shawl got finished in March, ‘cept for a little blocking – today would have been great to wear it – it’s freakin’ snowing up a storm here! Let’s hope the last one for the season! Anyway Big Blue is gorgeous, the ribbing long and lovely, and pom-poms perfectly poised along the ends!
And in fix-it land, the black tank from Debbie Stroller’s Stitch and Bitch, has been extended to a more suitable length for me (in retro-spect I should have put in even more short rows then suggested at the bust and lengthened the torso by another inch to accommodate my, ahem, generous bust line!). The fix was way easier than expected. I just picked up the cast-on edge and garter-stitched a new 2” band on the back and the front that matches the garter band traveling down the front. Perfect fix if I do say! Can’t wait for good weather to wear it since no one at work believes I have ever made anything I can wear! Except for mitts and hats and scarves!
2 (not 1, but 2!) Anthropology-like shrugs from in Briggs & Little 3 ply, 2 skeins double stranded. One shrug in Turquoise and one in Plum, and just as cute as can be, with a contrasting random button closure from the button jar. The recipient DD2 is very pleased. These were a very fast and satisfying knit. 2.5 evenings an y’er all done! DD1 would like to have a version in a finer yarn, but not sure how to get my head around calculating that, so will ponder a while.
The Meditation Scarf (of Bad Intentions!) purchased at the Inspirations Needlework and Craft Show, Ottawa 2006. It is intended that you meditate good thoughts while you knit, and when complete you wrap yourself in good karma! Meant to be slightly triangular, but the pattern and I differed in how we M1 (which I think should read as Inc.1 which is quite different) resulting in a rigid edge which I did not like one bit, and in the end I ripped it out 3 times and created a wide garter stitch scarf (no mean feat using 3 strands of very different textured yarns) with opposing mitered triangular ends. And I am quite pleased finally, although concerned about the bad karma that is undoubtedly infused into it now. I have it lying out and about where others can see it and remark on it loveliness and hope that eventually the bad intentions will seep away and it will be safe to wear!
On the needles (besides socks) – Patons Basics Next Steps Two vest in Patons 100% Merino, Tree Bark Mix, a lovely mossy green. Too bad I put it down after the car accident, as it would be great to wear right now. I think soon it will be too hot to wear, but it will be perfect next fall when it begins to get cooler again.
And, oh joy! I found some Fleece Artist at the Bank St. Yarn Forward that seems to match beautifully to my 2/3’s finished Ruffles and Ridges Shawl Wrap by Fibre Trends. This was the beach vacation knit, but along the way I realized I would run out of yarn and had to stop until more could be found. As soon as the Tree Bark vest is finished I’ll pick up where I left off and git’er done!
I have yet to felt the Patons 100% Merino Wool Beige and Chocolate Messenger bag that has been finished since January, but it is on the list of things to do this week, and I swear I’ll get this fulled and blocked up before our Guild meeting next Monday – there - a little dateline pressure can only help!
Had to cancel our Tuesday Night SnB this week, as the girls had other obligations and our Sens hockey team has made the playoffs making life a driving misery for non-hockey enthusiasts. We will hope for better schedules next week, and maybe the Sens will have some away games!
Last week I attended a meeting of ArtWear, a group of great women who all work in fibre arts of various kinds, quilting, hand-dying fibres, couture sewing, and many of whom produce extraordinary wearable art and make a living at it too! It was exciting to see what they had been working on, and I’m sorry I missed their fall challenge project, which was Recycled Couture. The finished projects were amazing and other works in progress that were shown were very exciting! There was even a demo of how embroidery silk thread is hand-dyed, and the results were stunning. I could have just fondled it all night!
I came away from that meeting totally revved up, and have been eyeing my stash for creative possibilities ever since. I am particularly enamoured with the idea of creating new wearable accessories from scraps and leftovers. I hate throwing away bits and pieces, especially textiles, and always wish I could come up with something cool from something leftover. I would have made a great pioneer, since I can make anything out of anything textile, but it is far more difficult to make it not only useful but, hip and visually appealing as well. But then appealing is in the eye of the beholder, now isn’t it!
Been a while since I was here. I know, and I’m sorry. It’s my so-called life getting in the way of the fun stuff - so lets get caught up! There has been some serious knitting happening here, in between this and that, and lo and behold, some FO’s have appeared!
First pair of basic ribbed socks in teal are done done done! And surprisingly comfortable, if not a little warm for spring weather (I never seem to time my projects very well in the temperature vs. wear-ability category) – but they will be gorgeous and toasty next winter in my steel-toed work boots. And a second pair in a burgundy variegated stripe is on the needles and going strong.
The Big Blue Sidar Shawl got finished in March, ‘cept for a little blocking – today would have been great to wear it – it’s freakin’ snowing up a storm here! Let’s hope the last one for the season! Anyway Big Blue is gorgeous, the ribbing long and lovely, and pom-poms perfectly poised along the ends!
And in fix-it land, the black tank from Debbie Stroller’s Stitch and Bitch, has been extended to a more suitable length for me (in retro-spect I should have put in even more short rows then suggested at the bust and lengthened the torso by another inch to accommodate my, ahem, generous bust line!). The fix was way easier than expected. I just picked up the cast-on edge and garter-stitched a new 2” band on the back and the front that matches the garter band traveling down the front. Perfect fix if I do say! Can’t wait for good weather to wear it since no one at work believes I have ever made anything I can wear! Except for mitts and hats and scarves!
2 (not 1, but 2!) Anthropology-like shrugs from in Briggs & Little 3 ply, 2 skeins double stranded. One shrug in Turquoise and one in Plum, and just as cute as can be, with a contrasting random button closure from the button jar. The recipient DD2 is very pleased. These were a very fast and satisfying knit. 2.5 evenings an y’er all done! DD1 would like to have a version in a finer yarn, but not sure how to get my head around calculating that, so will ponder a while.
The Meditation Scarf (of Bad Intentions!) purchased at the Inspirations Needlework and Craft Show, Ottawa 2006. It is intended that you meditate good thoughts while you knit, and when complete you wrap yourself in good karma! Meant to be slightly triangular, but the pattern and I differed in how we M1 (which I think should read as Inc.1 which is quite different) resulting in a rigid edge which I did not like one bit, and in the end I ripped it out 3 times and created a wide garter stitch scarf (no mean feat using 3 strands of very different textured yarns) with opposing mitered triangular ends. And I am quite pleased finally, although concerned about the bad karma that is undoubtedly infused into it now. I have it lying out and about where others can see it and remark on it loveliness and hope that eventually the bad intentions will seep away and it will be safe to wear!
On the needles (besides socks) – Patons Basics Next Steps Two vest in Patons 100% Merino, Tree Bark Mix, a lovely mossy green. Too bad I put it down after the car accident, as it would be great to wear right now. I think soon it will be too hot to wear, but it will be perfect next fall when it begins to get cooler again.
And, oh joy! I found some Fleece Artist at the Bank St. Yarn Forward that seems to match beautifully to my 2/3’s finished Ruffles and Ridges Shawl Wrap by Fibre Trends. This was the beach vacation knit, but along the way I realized I would run out of yarn and had to stop until more could be found. As soon as the Tree Bark vest is finished I’ll pick up where I left off and git’er done!
I have yet to felt the Patons 100% Merino Wool Beige and Chocolate Messenger bag that has been finished since January, but it is on the list of things to do this week, and I swear I’ll get this fulled and blocked up before our Guild meeting next Monday – there - a little dateline pressure can only help!
Had to cancel our Tuesday Night SnB this week, as the girls had other obligations and our Sens hockey team has made the playoffs making life a driving misery for non-hockey enthusiasts. We will hope for better schedules next week, and maybe the Sens will have some away games!
Last week I attended a meeting of ArtWear, a group of great women who all work in fibre arts of various kinds, quilting, hand-dying fibres, couture sewing, and many of whom produce extraordinary wearable art and make a living at it too! It was exciting to see what they had been working on, and I’m sorry I missed their fall challenge project, which was Recycled Couture. The finished projects were amazing and other works in progress that were shown were very exciting! There was even a demo of how embroidery silk thread is hand-dyed, and the results were stunning. I could have just fondled it all night!
I came away from that meeting totally revved up, and have been eyeing my stash for creative possibilities ever since. I am particularly enamoured with the idea of creating new wearable accessories from scraps and leftovers. I hate throwing away bits and pieces, especially textiles, and always wish I could come up with something cool from something leftover. I would have made a great pioneer, since I can make anything out of anything textile, but it is far more difficult to make it not only useful but, hip and visually appealing as well. But then appealing is in the eye of the beholder, now isn’t it!
Thursday, 10 May 2007
What does it mean to me? What pops in my head when I hear that word?
Well, I am a Mom, so – hugging, holding, cuddling, Kleenex, tea, laughing, playing, cookies, my favourite chair, coffee in bed, companionship, warmth, softness, love, quiet, safety.
Now take away all the above – imagine not having any of that. Imagine having nothing. No one to cuddle. No one to hold. No one to play with. Nothing.
Now have you seen these, from here: ?

Aren’t they funny looking?
Don’t they make you smile?
Don’t you want to hold one in the palm of your hand?
Don’t you just want to hide one in your pocket like your own little secret pal to keep you company and comfort you?
I know I do!
And every little child I have every known would want one too. And so I’m making them, for children who have nothing. For children, who need to smile and laugh and play and forget, if even only for a few minutes, the circumstances that surround them. I am making them for children that may only have a small pocket in the clothes they stand in, in which to hide their little doll from the cruelty of others who would take away their small comfort. I am making them so they will know that even strange people in a far away do care about them.
And it takes no time to make them, a couple of hours from start to finish for the average knitter. And they use up all those bits I can never find use for, but even for stash-laden” knitters like me, are too much to throw away with good conscience, “in case they might come in handy”! And those durable acrylics that we so often snub for knitting personal items are just right for this project. Durability is key. And the sky is the limit when it comes to your creativity – make them with hats, make them with hair, make them with crazy colors, the brighter the better!
Want make some with me too? My S’n B buddies have taken up the challenge, and we’ll be setting a goal, and knitting like crazy.
If it makes me feel this good just to make them, imagine how a children might feel with one of these in their pocket!
Knit on....
Well, I am a Mom, so – hugging, holding, cuddling, Kleenex, tea, laughing, playing, cookies, my favourite chair, coffee in bed, companionship, warmth, softness, love, quiet, safety.
Now take away all the above – imagine not having any of that. Imagine having nothing. No one to cuddle. No one to hold. No one to play with. Nothing.
Now have you seen these, from here: ?

Aren’t they funny looking?
Don’t they make you smile?
Don’t you want to hold one in the palm of your hand?
Don’t you just want to hide one in your pocket like your own little secret pal to keep you company and comfort you?
I know I do!
And every little child I have every known would want one too. And so I’m making them, for children who have nothing. For children, who need to smile and laugh and play and forget, if even only for a few minutes, the circumstances that surround them. I am making them for children that may only have a small pocket in the clothes they stand in, in which to hide their little doll from the cruelty of others who would take away their small comfort. I am making them so they will know that even strange people in a far away do care about them.
And it takes no time to make them, a couple of hours from start to finish for the average knitter. And they use up all those bits I can never find use for, but even for stash-laden” knitters like me, are too much to throw away with good conscience, “in case they might come in handy”! And those durable acrylics that we so often snub for knitting personal items are just right for this project. Durability is key. And the sky is the limit when it comes to your creativity – make them with hats, make them with hair, make them with crazy colors, the brighter the better!
Want make some with me too? My S’n B buddies have taken up the challenge, and we’ll be setting a goal, and knitting like crazy.
If it makes me feel this good just to make them, imagine how a children might feel with one of these in their pocket!
Knit on....
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