Thursday 22 November 2007

Well now – will you look at that!

Snow. And lots of it too. We don’t do half measures here I tell you! Winter has arrived in her typical over the top style, with a resounding whomp! The drive in to work these last two mornings were less than pleasant, slow as all get out, and in the gloom of early dawn, I couldn’t even enjoy the winter white scenery.

I usually love to look out at the pristine white of the first winter snow. Waking up to the sprinkled trees looking all the world like cake icing, and brightening the landscape from the dreary gloom of the preceding sun-starved fall days. The landscape becomes outlined and the shapes more defined as the colors and fillers disappear under the quieting white blanket. The sounds of the distant traffic muffled, and the whole picture is serene. That is until you step in a puddle of ice-y slush!!

Earlier this week the rumours of all this winter-y stuff spurred me on to finishing small knitting projects strictly warmth related. The mitts for the Innu charity sweater set are finally done, although I fear I’ve missed the deadline, and I may have to mail the set directly to the community organization responsible for distribution.

And I’m still humming and hawing over the accompaniment to the Alpaca hat for DD2 – mitts or scarf? I would prefer to make a quick scarf, but I’m sure there isn’t enough yarn, and so I will consider a quick trip to Hidden Valley Ranch in Osgoode in the near future for more. A sanctioned yarn purchasing trip maybe?

The Paton’s ribbon slippers from the Rowan calendar were started and abandoned after the first one turned out to fit the foot of a giant (yes – I swatched, but it lied!). The slippers will be re-started this weekend with something in a DK weight. It was certainly easy enough, so I still hope to do 2 pairs before Christmas.

But it was a long sad day at work today, the tough winter-y drive in, coupled with the tragic news of a co-worker, has left me drained and stunned. My heart is very heavy and I feel very disillusioned with the world at large today. I’m sluggish and teary-eyed and nothing inspires me. Everything is dull and flat and color, which I normally love, is almost painful to look at, seeming garish and inappropriate with its gaiety. My brain seeks clarity and understanding and I fear there is none to be had. Normally I can bounce back from these jolts with realistic and practical thinking and action, and so I hope that tomorrow, being DD1’s 27th birthday and a Friday, I will get back to my optimistic self over the weekend

So I will clean my craft room to imbibe some small sense of order over things under my jurisdiction, and caress some of my lovely yarns, soaking up the soothing warmth and softness, and wait for my creativity to come bubbling through the mire and heal my hurts.

Leave you with these gorgeous images of the front window display captured at our

local GAP Kids Store

Yes - those are real yarn ornaments - I touched them. It helped.

Knit on…….

1 comment:

Susan said...

*hugs* I know this is a couple of days late, but I send it out to you anyhow. I just realized with your post that Thursday's big story would have an impact you... what an awful situation.