Thursday 19 June 2008

Check, check… and check.

First Alligator sock is done. Check.

Yup, just like that. And I am still madly in love with it. Ask my DD’s. And their friends. And my co-workers. And the G-man. I pull it out of my purse everywhere and say, “Look. Look what I did. Isn’t it beautiful?” I’m driving them all crazy!

And DD1’s chemo #3 is done. Check.

The nurses and other patients in the hospital chemo daycare also liked my sock too. Yes – I showed them. We are there for a long time, and we have to do something to pass the time and distract ourselves. Might as well admire my sock!

Cast on for the second sock. Check.

I’m halfway through the ribbing on the second Alligator sock. It will be a quick knit I think. Too bad! Did I say how much I am loving it??

Knit on…Check!

1 comment:

knitjo said...

Oh Kate,
It is beautiful! I bet everyone is ahhh-ing and ooohhhh-ing! However, only a fellow knitter can appreciate it's true beauty!