My spirit is sagging. Right along with the weather, which continues to rain, intermittently every day, just enough to keep my geraniums from showing their full potential, and more than enough ironically, to dampen my spirits.
DD1 is trudging down the tough cancer road: it is fraught with roadblocks and wild emotional side roads and it takes everything we have to navigate it some days. But I remain solid that love will get us through it all, but wow, it is really, really, really hard some days!
My still-new-to-me 5-year-old fridge, quit. Just like that. Not worth repairing apparently. After only 5 years. Yup – I’m ticked off! Money for a new one was duly handed over. Ouch.
A long time acquaintance, a person who truly rejoiced at life, and lived it large, fully and passionately, and imbibed everyone he met with his love of living, met with tragedy and died suddenly, leaving behind a large black hole in his huge human circle.
And the one that threw me the most. The one that has left me simply reeling in its wake: dear, dear friends of ours have announced the end of their marriage after 34 years. Knocked the wind right out of me. I totally never saw it coming. I am still shedding tears, selfishly as much for me as for them.
Now please excuse me. I really need to go kick something.
Knit on…