Friday 11 January 2008

One of those weeks…………

Ok. I’m griping. No knitting content here, so feel free to move along.

I’ve misplaced my work keys last night (and this is not fun when your 45 year old bladder needs a key to get into the ladies room at work!), lost a diamond on my still very new 10th anniversary ring earlier this week (fortunately still under warranty) and this morning the opal on my 1st anniversary ring has fallen out (for the third time in 10 years!) and I just had it checked two weeks ago as I was sure it was loose again! Grrrrrr….

There are issues with my auto insurance accident treatment plan and of course the adjuster only left a message with my physio and not with me and then promptly left on vacation so I can’t speak to any one else – very nice and oh so professional! Hope she gets severely sun-burned! Double grrrr….

And to add injury to insult this week (yes I have purposely said that backwards!), I have sustained a small but persistently annoying knitting injury of my right forefinger – it’s bruised from the hard cotton yarn and 3.25 mm Addi Turbos I used to cast on the 420 stitches and knit 6 rows to start a new shawl! And don’t tell me that if I knit in Continental style I could rest my Peter Pointer. I already have thought of that and this may be just the incentive I need to switch! Do you have some cheese to go with my whine?…………

Damn it! What message is the universe trying to impart on me now? Whatever it is, it sucks. However I am hoping that as a firm believer in the rule of threes, I have now lost more than three things in a row, and that should be it. Damn well better be!!

Knit on……..

1 comment:

Susan said...

**hugs** Sorry to hear about the pile of small badnesses. I'm sure they're all meted out and it's clear sailing ahead.