Friday 20 April 2007

January 31, 2007

Well it has been a very busy week here. I’ve had lots of appointments and physiotherapy sessions continue to keep me moving (literally) along. All good things!

It is week for educational things – we’ll be celebrating at SnB tonight (yes – on Wed – there a hockey game in town and the traffic is brutal!) as one of the girls has received her diploma for her hard earned studies and of course we are going to give her a big congrats! Cake all round! Yummy!!

And daughter #1 is madly finishing up her final course/final class project, which is due tomorrow, in between two jobs and 5 new clients this week, and of course there are the usual printing problems to contend with, just to make life interesting. So I’ve been on deck to print, print, print, and pick up this and that, and while I’m at it, please drop off that and this! I don’t mind – it makes me feel that I am contributing to her success in a practical way; something my nature needs to feel from time to time.

Now something strange has happened with the keyhole scarf in Softee Chunky Bernat (which I made the hat to match) and I’ve had to put it down for a day or so. Every time I pick it up and knit a row or two, my hands begin to burn, like when I’ve handled fibreglass insulation. I have never had this reaction from acrylic yarns before, but have from insulation, and indeed have other WIP’s that don’t have that effect. Wonder what’s up with that – any guesses?

In the mean time, I’ve decided that a pair of wristlets (yup – knit in some other soft chunky acrylic with no unwanted effects) might protect my hands from the irritation, so the scarf will have to wait a couple of days. Note that I tested the Bernat yarn hat without incident, and my girlfriend who received it is very happy with it. Very strange indeed. I have told the G-man that my body is just becoming accustomed to premium yarns, in the same way that I can only wear high quality silver and gold jewellery! Ah, what a shame! Merino, Alpaca, Quivit – here I come!

This weekend we are in La Belle Provence - does any one still say that when referring to Quebec? My parents grew up there and my father’s sister still resides there, and they all still say that. I remember when the licence plates had that phrase on them – I much preferred that slogan, especially since it is so true as far as the physical nature of the province is concerned – just don’t look too closely at the infrastructure these days!

Bon Voyage!

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