Friday 20 April 2007

February 7, 2007

So I’m entertaining, repeat entertaining, with the idea of someday investing in an alpaca. Yes, an alpaca! I am fascinated with the creatures. Their sweet faces, inquisitive and social natures, and fluffy coats of all natural colorings attract me over and over again! Oh, the softness of their fleece – to a fibre nut like me it’s all but impossible to resist touching. I hunt them on the net, press against the car window when we go by a farm hoping for a glimpse, I’ve even started reading the Ontario Alpaca Association on-line newsletters. Can you say obsessed?

So yesterday, when fate thrust its hand in front of me, I stopped. Hard. I was walking through the lobby of my workplace, when I noticed another knitter working on a lovely sock. Elated, I greeted her and introduced myself, and we chatted for a while about the tiny sock that she was knitting – it was just beautiful – and how I needed to learn to knit socks. The wife of an employee with whom I am acquainted, she told about her alpaca farm. Well what do you know, I had surfed her web site during one of my alpaca prowls, and so we had a brief but informative chat, and then regrettably I had to bolt off to my appointment.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about this momentary encounter that Fate had placed in front of me. See, unbeknownst to me, my ride had called too late with a message to meet at the back door, not the lobby. But I missed the call and headed to the lobby. Fate I tell you, Fate. Why else would I have missed the call and found an alpaca farmer sitting in my lobby!
At SnB last night I showed one of my knitting buddies the Sandy Ridge web site (here, and we discovered a term that was new to us: agisting : v. t. 1. (Law) To take to graze or pasture, at a certain sum; - used originally of the feeding of cattle in the king's forests, and collecting the money for the same.
Ok, now we are talking! I wouldn’t have to own a farm, or a whole herd, I could just “board” or invest in one! And my knitting buddy was as fascinated with this idea as I was. We’ve been e-mailing back and forth this morning and she’s as keen to get more info as I am! Yippee – a partner in crime – someone to get my back when I present this to my husband!

Oh lordy – that’s going to be quite the conversation. Me: “Uh, Honey, I think I’m gonna do some investing.” Him: “Wow- that’s great! It would be great to see you put your money into something solid instead of spending it all on that knitting and yarn stuff. What’s it gonna be – stocks, bonds, gold?” Me: ”Well no. Not exactly – I was thinking of livestock.” Him: “Oh – ok – beef, dairy, oh – you like horses – what, racehorses then?” Me: “Well no, something a little smaller and fluffy. Alpacas!” Him: “ Alpacas? What the hell is an alpaca?” Ya – looking forward to that conversation a whole lot! Wait ‘til he finds out I can knit with alpaca fleece!

I’ll keep you posted while we entertain this whole idea. I can’t rush here – a) the funds aren’t there to play with anyway, and b) I think I need a whole lot more info, and c) always need that cooling off period while I see if this is just whim or if I’m really ready for a long term commitment.

But aren’t they sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m doomed…..

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