Thursday 4 March 2010

T-Day is March 18th...

We're ready. And most importantly, DD1 is ready too. Bone Marrow Transplant day (or T-Day as I am calling it) is on the calendar. March 18th. We've a wild ride ahead starting on the 12th, and over the next month or so, but we are about as prepared as we can be. Bring.It.On.

In post Olympic news, I did finish my own personal and simple challenge of knitting enough squares for a charity baby blanket from my stash during the games, and 20 squares in navy and blue grey are piled up next to my chair waiting to be assembled.A good project while I'm off of work for the next few weeks or so caring for DD1 during transplant and recovery

And.I am still managing to work entirely from stash and on already assigned projects, and so far no LYS deprevation symptoms have kicked in!

And isn't the weather just grand?! I smell the promise of spring.....

Knit on....

p.s. I'll be back in a few weeks to report in on DD1 progress, so keep us all in mind, would ya'?.  In the mean time she would be pleased to know I have done a public sevice announcement by directing you all to this site, and get to Know Your Nodes so you can all stay healthy too!


Leanne said...

Sending positive energy to you and your daughter for a successful transplant and speedy recovery.

I just spent some time at the Know your Nodes site, and I must say, I learned lots. Thanks for the link!

SarcasticKlicker said...

Sending you all strength to recover!! Best wishes to DD1 for the surgery and please thank her for the link to getting to know my nodes. I'll go read up on this now. :o)


-sanna- said...

It's really scary how we do the same things at the same time. My olympic knitting project was a blanket with 20 squares (waiting for grafting) and I'm also knitting solely from the stash. Scary.
All the best for the oncoming struggle and I hope everything goes well. Good luck and hugs!

Susan said...

Our good vibes, hugs and thoughts are with you all always, but especially for the potentially rough patch ahead.

Anonymous said...

I hope that your daughter will be ok. and thanks for the link; will check it out for sure. Keep knitting :-) very good of you to make a charity blanket!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Kate,
We are all thinking of you and sending every good thought we have your way.