Sunday 14 February 2010

Happy hearts days!

Happy Valentine's Day Ya'll!!
Another week of germ fighting in our household. My hands are raw from washing and endless Purel*-ing. We have been back and forth to the hospital for 4 days in a row as DD1 continues to fight off the raging bacteria that threaten to over take her body. I am reluctant to think we are out of the woods yet, as this is exactly the same scenerio that lulled us into false thinking earlier last week when she perked up and felt ok in the early part of the week, And then by Thursday afternoon it was evident that she was once again being assaulted by the viral and highly agressive bacteria.

Still tonight she remains the best I have seen her in the last 10 days, so that's something, I guess.

My socks are off the needles and the grafting done and I will endevor some pictures this week. I am wroring on new socks (hospital knitting) and some stash scrap yarn mitered squares which I have challenged my self to see if I can make  enough squares for a charity baby blanket while the Olympics are in progress. This is not an official Olymplic project, but none the less the challenge is a good thing, and stash usage is also a good thing, as will be the resulting charity blanket.

In other me news I took some time on Friday for me while the G-man held the fort and did the hospital run, and i did something I have never done before.

I skated on the Canal! Now I have skated, but not in at least 10 years and maybe closer to 15 when I really think about it. None the less I ventured out, with my work collegues to cheer me on, the temperature was perfect and the skating conditions very good and had an amazing time re-learning how to balance on the thin blades of my figure skates. No falls, either! which makes me proud, although there were some very wobbly moments over the 5 km that we skated! But what great fun, good exercise (I can do exercise when I don't know I'm getting it!) and many, many laughs! It was a very,very good day - and long overdue.

Knit on.....

1 comment:

SarcasticKlicker said...

Hooray for skating! Glad you made some time for yourself. :o) I plan to go as well this weekend with the kids. Hopefully, the canal will still be frozen.

Knit on Kate! Sending strength and prayers your way.
