Tuesday 18 September 2007

A sweet little break from the madness….

A lovely peaceful weekend was had around here, with lots of down time, and blessed sleeping in! Ohhh bliss!! Even the errands list was kept to a minimum and accomplished with plenty of time to relax and knit during a rainy Saturday evening.

And knit I did, that Innu sweater sleeve was done over 3 times before I was able to accommodate the irregularities in the yarn and come close to the measurements in the pattern. Now that I am happy with the decreases and sleeve width, the first sleeve is finishing nicely, and the second sleeve and neck with follow in rapid succession.

The only downer to the weekend was local neighbourhood kids (oh yes, we know who you are – were you surprised to here our voice when you answered the phone?) breaking into our car and lifting our cell phone. What makes it ironic is that most of the kids we know or see around the neighborhood have fancier cell phones than we do, so why they would even want it I don’t know, and ours does not even have re-programmable SIM card so it is totally useless to them. Very annoying, and just more money to have to shell out to replace it. That’s another extension to my stash diet!!!

I took a run to Michael’s and avoided the yarn sale like the plague and picked up the frames I came for, and made a hasty exit. Amongst my acquisitions from my Mum was a copy of a favourite baby picture of me (no modesty here!), and my actual 1st baby dress shoes, so I needed a shadow box to put the two together. I’ll need DD1 to cut a custom mat for me – she’s a wizard at cutting mats - and that will be one small project done.

And I had a chance to check out Fabricland for some cotton backing to finish my Grandmummy’s quilt tops, but had no luck finding something I liked. No worries, just more excuses to keep checking out fabric stores!

And speaking of quilting and fabric acquisition opportunities, my mother-in-law has invited me to go with her to the Upper Canada Village Quilting Show Sept 22. You can check out Upper Canada Village site for more info: http://www.parks.on.ca/village/07091701.htm. I’m really pleased to be going, especially now that I have the two quilt tops to finish into quilts. I’ll be looking for inspiration for the backings and bindings, and I see on the website there is to be a vendors market as well. I know I will break my stash diet if I see just the right fabric to go with my quilt tops.

That’s all…Knit on..


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