Friday 17 August 2007

It’s a conspiracy I tell you!

Last week I told you about Susan of , tripping off to Wool ‘n Things in Orlean’s, ON with her friend Velda from , and how painful it was to even think about it. That they should be surrounded by yarn-y goodness, while I am chained to my desk, with only my sock knitting at arms length beside me for consolation! And then, if you can believe this, Susan’s friend Velda even tried to torment me from the safety of my blog comments!!!! I must keep an eye on that girl!

And sometime ago, with limited foresight to what torment this might bring, I have signed up for every e-mail notice regarding yarn known to mankind. Having them pop up in my in-box is like un-expectedly getting flowers in a busy day – a little moment of happy reprieve in middle of the workday madness. A reason to work if you will, aside from the obvious need to fulfil Maslow’s theory of basic human survival, and I know somewhere on that basic human needs hierarchy, yarn acquisition boldly enters the picture. And therefore I work. And the-mail notices keep coming! It’s torture!

And the Berroco KnitBits newsletter came, with a picture of Jenni:

(FREE pattern instructions)

(I am totally coveting Jenni! It is definitely something all the girls in my family will wear, and looks easy enough to whip-up several. An excellent Christmas gift wouldn’t you say?)

And then the post-man this week brought Mary Maxim for me to finger through the pages. And Friday’s mail brought announcing a 50% sale – and they have some Alpaca- Merino mix that is ever so lovely (ahhhhhh, Alpaca - soft, lovely Alpaca!) that would be perfect for Jenni.

And on the way home from the cottage the G-man picked the direct route past Mary’s Craft Supplies where I get my Sassy Stripes sock yarn from – and where he almost had a coronary when I told him to drive on past!!! Remember I have sock yarn from July to use up!

I swear it is all a conspiracy!! Don’t they know I’m on a self-imposed stash-reduction. Don’t they know I have the Afghans for Afghans deadline looming and must finish piecing all those squares together (they did look luscious in all those colors though, didn’t they?). Don’t they know I have no more room in my craft room to store new yarn (I’m knitting as fast as I can!). Don’t they know that I must reduce the stash of fabrics in the basement so the G-man can finish it (unfortunately I can’t knit and sew at the same time L). And surely they must know I’m so dead broke L L L (what else is new?).

It’s not fair (insert a temper tantrum equal to that of a terrible terrific two year old here!)!! I want to play too!! I want to touch all the soft yarns, and look at new fall colors, and stare at knitted items and thumb through pages and pages and pages of patterns and dream of knitting way outside of my abilities. I want to order knits like the Kauni cardigan just like Susan did, in case I need something to aspire to! I want to disappear inside my LYS and not re-appear for hours, and when I do, I’m flush from inhaling yarn fumes with a slightly glazed over look in my eyes, like I just had the greatest romp of my life (whoa - careful, now – this is still a family friendly blog!).

But oh no – I must rummage around in my stash for yet another un-finished project. So still sulking a bit, I pulled out and finished my Patons Wool-Ease Oh La La Parisian Ruffle Scarf. Just a little blocking to be done tonight and it’s ready for gifting! And I whipped off a Taos Beret in matching yarn, but discovered that with the frenzied need to knit something other than squares. I grabbed the wrong sized circular and now the banded ribbing is too big. I’ll have to rip back to the stockinette and pop it back on a smaller circ and knit the ribbing back on upside down. No worries, just a little set back.

Now here’s a question for you - rummaging around, I realized I still have 7-8 balls each in 3 colors of Moda Dea Cache from the last Michael’s clearance sale. What to do with it?? I don’t have enough for the free tunic pattern they show, and I am not sure if I want to do another bag from it. Got any other ideas?? I was wondering about a cowl neck or rolled neck vest? Anybody done something like that with this yarn?? Man, I can’t wait to get on Ravelry – I’d be able to punch in my yarn type and see all the amazing things people have made with this yarn. Ya Ravelry - bring it on baby!!

Knit on…………


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