And I finished these (exceuse the poor layout - photo blogger upload was not helping at all tonight!):

and this you already knew I'd finshed :

As the days zoom by, I know I am falling behind (pun intended - you knew it was coming so stop groanning!). I have been madly knitting the Mason-Dixon Bibs 'o Love and am just finishing up lucky bib number seven.
Then I desperately need to get Clapotis on and off the needles as quickly as possible, as it will be required soon by the recipient. I wound the yarn yesterday, details later.
Knit on....
1 comment:
OMG Woman - you put me to shame with the way you crack off your projects!!! I am diligently working away on the cabled scarf - qute the labor or love - an eight row pattern that takes mucho concentration! Can't wait to see you soon!
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