DD1 and I made an un-scheduled stop on our way home from Princess Margaret Hospital (she went for a second opinion - no real new revelations, which is fine by me and I think by her too, so we are full steam ahead into her Bone Marrow Transplant.) in Norwood, ON when traffic flow ground to a halt. The Thanksgiving Fall Fair was on, and since we missed our annual trek to our home fair in Erin, ON, we pulled in and parked and spent a leisurely 2 hours meandering the fine, fine fair that Norwood puts on every year.
Smitten we were by the ginormous heavy horse competion - magnificant creatures!

And darn it, I was without my camera and there was spinning going on in the craft barn!!! You know I spent some quality time oberving that! And DD2 bought super warm Alpaca boot insoles, locally made of course. It was a great afternoon and the best way I have ever spent time out from a traffic jam!
Meandering about in the warm fall sunshine, I was able to soothe the rage (at myself) I had felt moments before the traffic jam, when officer friendly nailed me for speeding (in my defense I was passing some lunatics who could not hold their accelerators steady and I about ready to throw up from the speed up/low down thing that they were doing all along Hwy 7)!
And so I blew past them at the first passing lane I could find (few and far between on Hwy 7 as you might well know!) and Bam! Busted! Lights and all! I completely forgot it was a zero tolerance weekend! It was my first ticket ever in 30 years of driving. I am mortified I can tell you! And to add insult to injury, it seems the G-man forgot to put the new insurance card in the little holder in the glove box, so guess who is paying the second ticket for that!! So $330.00 and 3 points poorer, when the fair came in sight I welcomed the break and a chance to redeem the day.
So there. Now you are caught up, and I am left to figure out if I can wriggle my way out of the points and into a lower fine - my own officer friendly (the G-man, who thought this string of bad luck I was having very funny until he broke his car windshield putting lumber in it and closing the door - hard! See how that 350 bucks hurts dude?), is on the case! Now we will see if it pays to sleep with a man with a badge!!!
Knit on....