What can I show for another month having ticked on by?
Not a heck of a lot apparently!
But I did find my mum a terrific new young dog to keep her company - this is Jordie! Very cute, if I do say so myself!
In knitting news I have resurrected a shawl using the gorgeous Aerquipa from Wool-Tyme purchased last year (I am so ashamed it has taken that long!) that was lounging about unfinished, and am down to the last 2 repeats. I WILL finish it this week!

Mary Maxim Bamboo
A bit splity this yarn is and way, way too slippery for my favorite Knitpicks Nickel Plated double points, so I am breaking my steadfast dislike of bamboo needles (too hot in my hands) and will transfer the stitches over on the next round.
I do like how the colorway is shaping up, though, and the 75% bamboo and 25% nylon has a lovely cool feel to the knitted fabric and I am looking forward to wearing these babies over the summer.
So, I guess I have done a wee bit after all!
Knit on.....